Global Responses of CI Services to Covid-19

The impact of Covid-19 on health-care systems varies considerably and no country, whether high- or low- income has been spared the challenges. Ultimately, all pandemics become local as it falls to local professionals to find solutions that work for the population they serve. Here, we learn from colleagues around the world who have grappled with these challenges and found ways to overcome them that will be of interest to the global cochlear implant community.

Watch the presentations from this webinar here.

Chair: Howard Francis (Durham)

Presenters: Daniel Lee (US), Pu Dai (CN), Neelam Vaid (IN), George Tavartkiladze (RU), Valeria Goffi (BR), Michael Tong (HK), Gaetano Paludetti (IT)

CI Research at a Distance: a Post-Covid challenge

Translational research has driven progress in cochlear implantation. As well as disrupting clinical services, the manner in which research is prioritised, commissioned and executed will change very significantly post-Covid19. What is the appearance of this new research landscape and how should cochlear implant professionals adapt themselves for it? The webinar will consider what the key research priorities for CI now are and how research platforms may be mobilized to address them.

Watch the presentations from this webinar here.

Chair: Deborah Vickers (Cambridge)

Presenters: Bradley Welling (US), Kevin Munro (UK), Rachel Haines (UK), Teresa Ching (AU), Rene Gifford (US), Dan Jiang (UK), Youri Maryn (BE), Jay Rubinstein (US)

Cochlear Implants Standard of Care: An International Consensus

The world’s first International Consensus Paper on Adult Cochlear Implantation was published on August 27, 2020 in JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery. This new study focuses on treatment for adults living with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) which recommends minimum standards for diagnosis, referral, treatment and aftercare.

Dr. Craig Buchman, lead author of the paper, and Dr. René Gifford, one of 31 experts who authored the paper and participated in the Delphi Consensus Process, will talk about why these standards of care are needed at this time and what they mean to people with hearing loss.

Standard of care: what does this mean for healthy ageing in adults?

While cochlear implants are well-known for providing hearing in children who are born deaf, the technology is increasingly being used to restore hearing in adults with acquired deafness. Professor Catherine Birman discusses her experience in treating adults and the clinical effectiveness of cochlear implants in adults.

Online Workshop zum weltweiten CI-Konsensus

Am 10.12.2020 um 15:00 Uhr veranstaltet der Deutsche Schwerhörigenbund e.V. (DSB) einen Online Workshop über den weltweiten Maßstab für die Cochlea-Implantat (CI)-Versorgung bei Erwachsenen, das Konsenspapier des Consumer and Professional Advocacy...

Expanding Adult Cochlear Implant Access and Outcomes

Expanding Adult Cochlear Implant Access & Outcomes ACI Alliance is excited to partner with Audiology Online to offer an informative four-course series this January covering “Expanding Adult Cochlear Implant Access...

CI Futures Forum: Consensus Towards Standard of Care

In every country access to cochlear implantation (CI) for adults with severe or profound hearing loss is low. Globally, it is estimated that only one in twenty who could benefit from cochlear implants have one. Most other health treatments have internationally accepted standards of care that inform patients and health care practitioners about when specialist referrals and treatment options should be considered.

Watch the presentations from this webinar here

Chair: Gerard O'Donoghue (Nottingham)

Presenters: Professor Wu Hao (CN), Professor Seung Ha Oh (KR), Professor Pu Dai (CN), Associate Professor Jenny Loo (SG), Dr Kuang Chao (Joshua) Chen (TW), Dr Kalyani Mandke (IN)

Cochlear Implant Experiences and Best Practise Tips

Cochlear Implant Experiences and Best Practise Tips Cochlear implant devices are small, complex devices that can help provide a sense of sound to the user. Around for over 40 years,...
